Survey of Theology
Dr. Thomas Schreiner has lectured at The Master's Seminary recently, providing an overview of the Bible's theological themes. They are very well done, and provide great instruction for those interested in understanding all of the major doctrines of Scripture. Click on the Button below to start the first lecture on You Tube.
Online Resources
We encourage believers to take advantage of a variety of online resources to encourage their spiritual growth. The websites listed below are of great value to that end. Extensive collection of Bible study resources available for free. Phil Johnson is the executive director of Grace to You, the radio broadcast ministry of John MacArthur. This site includes a helpful evaluation of various theological websites, a vast collection of Charles Spurgeon's writings, and links to collections of other noteworthy figures in church history. The best in counseling, from a distinctly biblical perspective. Many helpful counseling resources are available here. The best in creation science, from a distinctly biblical perspective. The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood provides helpful articles on what it means to be a Christian man or a woman. Ultimate questions: who am I? Why am I here? Etc. The former church home of Jack & Sandy Nemeth. The sermons and other resources of John MacArthur. Looking to understand more about Jesus? Information article: "Who do you think that I am?" The sermons and other resources of John Piper. Alistair Begg's sermon resources. The major works of Jonathan Edwards online. The complete works can be accessed with registration Classic articles and resources of the historical Christian faith. A ministry of Mark Dever and others intended to help local churches re-establish their biblical bearings and re-think their ministry methods. The largest collection of Charles Spurgeon's writings on the web. "We train men as if lives depend on it." The "HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS, A COLOR-CODED RESOURCE, has been made available at not cost, by the author Nathan Martin. We believe you will find it of great value in your study of the life of Christ! Click on the button below to download the PDF.