Maple Street Community Church
has moved to a new facility
and is now meeting at:
6795 N Mineral Drive in CDA
(behind Olive Garden)
Of Grace, because the relationship we have with God is not the result of our own efforts or merit, but by his Grace. What we enjoy from him is undeserved, it is a gift of His favor.
By Faith, because the blessing of the Christian life is not something we can earn by trying harder to be good people, or please God with our religious discipline. It is by Faith that we relate to God.
In Truth, because we are committed to the Word of God, which Jesus called the Truth. It is the sole source of authority for all we believe and do.
With Love, because it is the greatest of virtues. Jesus said we would fulfill the Law of God if we loved God and loved our neighbor as ourselves.
What We're About
Our ministry focus is "centered" in the teaching of Jesus, who said the greatest commandments are to love God with our whole heart, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Our desire and intent, is to encourage followers of Jesus to fulfill these two commandments, and to invite others to join with us in doing so, as we proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are intentional about making disciples who make disciples! There are only two ways to live! Find out why, by clicking on the right.... |
We have recently studied the Lord's Prayer, and are learning to pray "like this", "in this way". Click on the button above to learn more!
A study on The Holy Spirit will be starting soon, meeting on Thursday mornings, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. |

The women of MSCC are committed to their calling to be women of sound doctrine and service to our Lord; where the older are teaching the younger, and where we learn to serve family, church and community to the glory of God.
We meet every 3rd Saturday from 11:00-2:00 at The Atrium conference room to enjoy a study of the Fundamentals of the Faith, share a wonderful meal together, and encourage our growth by learning about one another’s skill sets and develop practical strategies for reaching our community with the gospel of Christ.
The women of MSCC are committed to their calling to be women of sound doctrine and service to our Lord; where the older are teaching the younger, and where we learn to serve family, church and community to the glory of God.
We meet every 3rd Saturday from 11:00-2:00 at The Atrium conference room to enjoy a study of the Fundamentals of the Faith, share a wonderful meal together, and encourage our growth by learning about one another’s skill sets and develop practical strategies for reaching our community with the gospel of Christ.
Some of our members, and interested supporters around the country, have asked for an online option to support our ministry financially. If that describes you, click the button to the right....and thank you!